– Enables user to change weapon styles if “showracemenu” with RaceMenu is not an option for example if currently a Vampire or Enhanced Character Editvanilla user – The skeleton will be checked for the player character, if the player character does not use an XPMSE compatible skeleton all features will be disabled – NiOverride powered, for better support with other mods using NiOverride (NetImmerse mods can cause incompatibility problems) – Extensible Follower Framework 4 compatible for follower edits – ScalePositionRotation sliders for weapons

“Sword Style”, “Axe Style”, “Sword Style (Left)” – Weapon styles for moving weapons ingame, sliders are named “Style”, ex. – The skeleton will be checked for the character in RaceMenu, if a character does not use an XPMSE compatible skeleton a notification will be shown and all features will be disabled
– Conflict with any HDT Equipment everyone option based mod – XPMSE RaceMenu compatibilty, takes over changes from RaceMenu part to other transforming races like to Werewolf and Vampire Lords – Fixes HDT problems caused by some monsters skeletons – Fixes crashes caused by some monster skeletons – Any data that is left in your savegame is needed for reinstallation and not harmful – (Enchance Character EditVanilla) Set all style options in the MCM menu to default – (RaceMenu) Set all XPMSE related sliders in RaceMenu and MCM to default – Go to a remote location with no human NPCs who are using XPMSE3 near you If you are driving slower because you are unfamiliar with the road, keep left so that other drivers can pass you safely. Go even slower if: there are lots of pedestrians or bike riders around, there is poor visibility or wet weather, or you’re unfamiliar with the road. Driving above the speed limit or driving too fast for the road and weather conditions is a major cause of crashes. Speed limits are enforced throughout Victoria for the safety of all road users, and drivers exceeding the speed limit can receive fines, demerit points or have their licence suspended or cancelled. Speed and safe driving The speed limit is the maximum speed at which you can drive in an area, so be sure you’re travelling below that limit.
Minimum required content have their folders tagged with (Recommened), if you install manually you consent that you are capable to figure out what options are needed to be set in the requirements for the mod.ĭrivers should be aware that the average person travels about per second. The installer will guide you through the installation and will provide you with information. Install the mod with a mod manager that is capable of installing fomods such as Mod Organizer or Nexus Mod Manager.